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What is this?

Thank you for showing interest! This is a website for MemeSnatcher Status. It originally was dedicated to the epic April 2023 giveaway. Click here to learn more about that.

Why did you do this?

You are asking the wrong question here buster. The real question you should be asking is “Why do some people question why you did this?” And to answer that, probably because they are grumpy old beings who hate jokes and laughter. I hope you aren’t one of them. 😎

I really want that Dollar in a frame, will I be able to purchase one if I don’t win?

Unfortunately, the Dollar in a Frame is a one-of-a-kind prize and will not be able to be purchased. However, some other prizes may be able to be purchased. Contact me directly if you are interested.

Do you accept returns?

Only under very specific circumstances. Check each item for its unique return requirements.

Do you have merch?

We sure do! See it at: Guess how many sales we’ve had so far? You got it! Zero, the perfect number. We expect our sales to double by next year.

Are you ok?

Most definitely not. Are you ok?

Do have gift cards?

Why would you want...nevermind. We do not, but you can purchase a gift for someone.

I love your status, can I buy you a present?

We have a wishlist on Amazon Make sure to read the item comments.

Are you a non-profit?

We currently are a negative profit business with dreams to take on Amazon.

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