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"This whole thing is incredible and a very good use of your time. I love it and it's keeping me sane. Or helping my descent into insanity. Either way, it's fun and I like it. I love this website I want merch. Can I draw fanart."
~Subscriber #38

Meme Snatcher's Brother

"Stop bothering me. I don't care about your website. You took this way too far.

Donald Trump

"This is a fantastic meme status. The other statuses? Boring. Don’t quote me on this. If anyone asks me, I will deny it."

Meme Snatcher's Therapist

"Memes can great way to cope with distress and express your feelings. But let’s not get sidetracked, we were talking about your fear of attachment and lack of motivation."

Joe Biden

*vague look of confusion* "Yes, yes. Good."

Meme Snatcher's Father

"Stop wasting your time and do something useful for once."

Meme Snatcher, CEO

"This meme status is the best there is! Daily memes and they are always funny! I 100% recommend."

Subscriber #2

"I do."

Meme Snatcher's Younger Brother

"I don’t understand why you made this status, just annoy your brother with the memes!! 😂"

Your Local Politican

"I am Your Local Politician and I approve this message."

Meme Snatcher's Imaginary Dog

"Woof woof, arf woof woof. Bark bark yip, woof? Growl howl woof arf! Yip yip yip."

Meme Snatcher's Other Brother

"You still owe me 3 bucks!😠 You know that you never paid me, stop denying it."

Subscriber #224

"Your status stands out from all others."

Subscriber #38

"This whole thing is incredible and a very good use of your time. I love it and it's keeping me sane. Or helping my descent into insanity. Either way, it's fun and I like it. I love this website I want merch. Can I draw fanart."

Subscriber #236

"Love ur status...keep it up 💪🏼"

Subscriber #278

"I love your status"


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Fake people staring at fireworks

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